Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fall Soccer has begun!

Amanda and her friend Bailey are on opposing teams. Notice the colors! South Carolina and Auburn!! Where is the UGA red??????
Amanda was excited to start the fall soccer season. She wasn't happy about taking out her earrings. She said it hurt. After the earrings were out, she was ready to play! Will is playing soccer as well. He is too young to be on a team, but he is in a class learning about soccer. I will add those pictures soon, he had a great time!


June said...

Lady In Pink! So excited for Amanda. Did Amanda write back to thank her for the picture. Maybe she should mention that it is on the family blog!

Gamma Shively

Grandma Sak said...

Too bad Amanda couldn't get on a team that had pink shirts! I didn't know she would have to take out her earrings. Was she able to get them back in or do you just leave them out until soccer is over? Does Will get to run and kick the ball or is just talking all the time about soccer? I haven't seen kids that young in soccer. I'm sure they have a grand time. Is Amanda in the goal again? How does she feel about Bailey being on a different team? Give Amanda and Will hugs and kisses from me.